Below 365 haikus from 2021 - in achronological order.

FYI: Some of the daily poems came on instagram with mediocre, self-taken pictures. I took a break after the first 100 days though - I prefer thinking with words and only words, inspired by feelings and thoughts rather than pictures and (un-likelihoods of) likes.

Have a look if nonetheless interested.


December impressions
December impressions



My last Haiku

is ‘bout thankfulness for all

small and big moments.



A ‘normi päivä’:

Playground fun, sledges, nap time -

and Lego battles.



Can we trust nature?

(can’t trust us) - Being on ice

always mixed feelings.



My first yet not last

wolly-socks-run through the woods.

Grounding exercise.



Last day she is five.

Can swim and read, first loose tooth.

What comes next? Oh girl!




Moderated father-sons.

So def worth the ache.



Early birds again:

there’s another morning flight -

and hubby drove twice!



First time us only

finding own xmas culture.

Great yet jet-leg yawns!



It feels like a dream.

Sitting back on that armchair -

the air fresh, not warm.



Oh sweet morning sun

greeting us for the last time

over gentle waves.



We fed elephants.

Their trunks popping bananas

like our fingers grapes.



And then karma struck:

my toe against marble pool,

luxurious pain.



Omicron feels far.

Four more days of refusal

before Europe calls.



Two hours alone

whilst kids are in a childcare.

So-said Thai massage.



Suddenly they came:

local tourists pouring in -

end of ‘21.



Hotel paradise:

old trees, wild birds, rare flowers -

historic places.



We had to eat it

under time pressure - mission:

ice-cream-melting stop!



One wrong order cast

made us discover a treat:




Sunshine and a breeze?

We don’t underestimate

the effect it has.



Most exoticness

starts with seeing the wide world

from bird-perspective.



One hand luggage full

of nuts, crackers, fruits, bread - and

tomato bucket.



I called Santa Claus

but he is not on duty

beyond small radius!?



Now we have to wait

to get four times negative

to get to the beach.



Another exam.

This time media audience stuff -

spontaneous nerd!



I prepared a gift:

third beer trip with her best friend,

me their damned driver.



State independence

means more than a flag or song.

It means own future.



Prepping Sankt Niklas.

Whilst the big one knows its fake,

she embraces it.



Series aren’t for us.

Watching award-winning films -

good old movie night.



One year of classes.

I learned grammar and for life

about life up north.



I fell even more

for Finnish language today:

One can invent words!



My daily to-do’s

require at least four brains,

ten eyes and twelve arms.

November impressions
November impressions



Nostalgic sparkle.

Curious eyes on the doors,

waiting for day one.



It’s pretty surreal

we booked twelve days of Thailand

whilst covid waves forth.



So I played and sang

for their baby, our kummi -

it came from the heart.



Suddenly in tears

I started defending her:

their good childhood soul.



Since twenty-four years

a lot of life in letters -

my pen pal Laura.



The smile on his face

once he has played some football:




Nature does not care

that many still ignore it:




Only two more weeks.

Then I’m supposed to know all

thousand grammar rules.



I cycled slower

to cherish golden sun rays.

Finnish thankfulness.



Is before the storm

necessarily after?

Only time can tell.



Talk and laughs and tears -

just how a girls’ night should be.

Deep bonds, bad pudding.



How the girls compete

about their dad’s attention

is sweet yet telling.



The darkness gets us

before we get the darkness.

Now we’r right in it.



I self-blamed too much -

our big one begged me to stop.




But if I was not

procrastinating so hard,

our household would die.



For now I like it,

the darkness is soft lately,

caring, embracing.



Not his first nor last,

for sure: wonderful moments.

Father’s day. Each day.



Hotel day and night.

So we danced on the table -

jagers brought headache.



Whilst I cycle free

with sun and wind in my back

others are stuck, freeze.



That small lunch-champaign

met so incredibly well

our need to unwind.



I love language tweaks

and turning words upside down.

Even in Finnish!



Behind each strong man

is a strong woman they say.

I’d agree it’s true.



Studying in style:

Grimbergen sets the mood for

analysing texts.



How the small one

cheers every bit of mom-time

makes me glad yet sad.



Moss is natures way

of proving how smart it is:

magical sponges.



Turns out he won’t join.

Now kids outnumber adults -

spa retreat challenge!



Of course it happened.

Three hours of driving, alert -

till I scratch that car.



Each sweet luxury

tends to hide behind

a basic combo.



The babysitter

came for child one to speak french -

child two saw night life.



The sound of the sea

and the moon waving goodbye

appease Murphy’s Law.

October impressions
October impressions



He has lots to do,

yet less than those who pull strings.

‘bout what? Big secret.



Sauna, pools and slides,

followed by Italian food.

Still: mökki is best.



Let your body move -

improvisation dance as

a form of courage.



And so I cycle

past the stream to class and back

and my ideas flow.



Don’t have that challenge.

Don’t know the writer’s blockage /

rather the flooding.



How long should I fake

losing, so that games are fair?

Cause the world is not.



Each facade a face,

a body that offers care,

a heart that feels with.



Athletic squirrel

jumping over our heads,

small queen of the sky.



The power of words.

“Switzerland” theatre play -

amazing duo!



We dined like youngsters:

Nine wine bottles for six friends.

Then bare-feet dancing.



I thought it was niche:

“organisational comms” …

… it’s about our world!!



Went to the circus:

three generations of arts!

Small jars, big magic.



The very first frost

sleeps over all surfaces.

Pretty, shy cover.



Just three years ago

I was bending in pain and

did not know her yet.



We took them riding

on two bloated cute ponies

up the shore and back.



Cutting through the fields,

passing streams in golden light.

Adventurer style.



Autumn sleepover.

A windy house in the woods

fireplace and red.



I had forgotten

how artistically fall

creates foggy skies.



So we talked them through

our dreams to renovate it:

mökki, step by step.



I’m fascinated

a seventeen year old is

both: kid and adult.



New week and new hope.

It’s nice to care for children

but also for self.



Morning run again -

when the air feels so fresh and

the trees dance autumn.



We watched her first games!

She kicked some balls, held a few -

and day-dreamed a bit.



Here, where big rocks are

part of the city structure.

I love their presence.



So I found that song

I sang and loved in third grade:

“Wieder ist Herbst” - nice!



That morning sun light

over the ocean right there

is just magical.



She fights it SO much,

her small body shakes and screams

- tough to give her meds.



Only four days in

yet I’m deeply affected:

no kiss (with this lip).



Favourite season

when sun meets wind and freshness.

Golden autumn vibes!



How valuable:

took me-time for mind and soul:

jazz-dance AND yoga!



Besides muscle pains

I am clearly exhausted:

my lip grows something.

September impressions
September impressions



My whole body aches

and I have backbone bruises.

Took that workout far!



Crazy workout hour

after resting for six weeks.

Can’t lift my arms now!



Simply breathtaking,

the sea-view from our windows.

Thick fog this morning …



Back home in autumn.

The freshness is magic, and

so are the colours.



So we danced like nuts.

Constant smiles, sweating like pigs.

Us night owls - for once.



Thank Earth for good friends

who say: “we take care of them,

even though they’re ill.”



I believe in it,

Murphy’s Law is just for real:

both kids are sick now.



Waking hungover -

feeling older then I am.

Lunch and nap-time help.



Rushing back and forth

to accommodate their needs.

Then ladies’ dinner.



Museum visit:

Past and present animals,

our ecosystem.



She is seventy:

My beloved mom full of joys,




Fremdschämen? I wish.

OUR table on car-free street

where kids and booze met.



Bought dress for fifty -

a fifth of the initial.

“The Kooples”. No clue.



So he carried her

past terraces, not parking,

of joie de vivre.



Went back to the place

where we played tag over stairs:

Brugmann Cathedral.



Some afterwork drinks

without work before. Except:

kids entertainment.



I see her friend more

than my own friends: three to zero.

Small kids’ affection.



The good old lady

who cared for our kids back then

with tears of joy-love.



Foreign languages -

sweet and very missed music

to European ears.



It’s not like home, but -

deep familiarity,

each street and corner.



Define Odyssey:

taxi, flight, train and tram ride with

two young kids. That.



Babysitter deal.

Theory - time to study.

Practice - Saara drinks.



The moment we are

by our dear summer house lake -

joy in a(n old) shell.



REAL class room feeling:

Finnish course LIVE with HUMANS

sitting in ONE PLACE!



So I cried it out:

no one wants or needs me, yeah?

Pathetic (yet deep).



I’m glad they told us

her name after I played it -

the song for “Sienna”.



The air is so fresh

and whenever sun rays dance

coloured leaves inhale.



Treasure hunt with tales -

big one’s bday party time.

My nostalgia.



Our babysitter

with blue hair and nose piecing

video-bombed Wolt.



When the girls got cars

they took them in their arms and

rocked them like babies.

August impressions
August impressions



So I just made it -

a podcast out of my book.

One chapter a week.



I got all headless:

read some chapters, out-loud, masked,

and uploaded them.



Nice jamming session

with the small one - little arms

high over her head.



That’s how life can go:

instead of wild kids’ bday,

it’s Hilton me-time.



Hearing strange cough sounds.

And whilst the big one barks “flue”,

I nightmared lungs’ stop.



Most impolite guy:

busdriver ignores me, sights -

not willing to help!



Painful déjà-vue.

Suppressed four months of autumn rain,

now all rain at once.



In the aftermath

any day inside except

this last summer one.



The proud feeling when

kids cycle along like pros,

ready to grow up.



Classic zoo brain-pain:

animals lick and make out.

this time: birth or dick?



No drinks after ten.

So we decide to stay here,

fresh rooftop with friends.



How can the same moon

light peace and war, joys and fears?

Cynical beauty.



Hallelujah and

Imagine I’m yours - I lava

Ukulele mood.



What’s wrong with mankind?

Let us cherish souls and minds,

not power and stuff.



Last day of them here,

its always sweet-bitter to

face two homes or more.



And just one day in,

my dad turns double his age -

life full of travels.



Hubby is happy:

kids boke him strawberry cake -

it’s his thirty-sixth.



Retreat to mökki.

Serious gardening work,

naked dips in lake. 



Chatting loud or soft,

quarrelling ‘bout nonsense stuff

and the world’s future.



A cold bag with curds -

Achilles tendon fixing.

Hate limping day two.



My parents arrived

and the girls jumped by the fence

like hungry lill’ dogs!



Waxing is painful -

I forget it every time:

passive suffering.



Had a Belgian beer

facing the afternoon sun.

Grimbergen beauty!



Finally managed

watch him play football again.

Proud fan and lover!



Only a female (?)

can build rape fears in the woods

when a stranger chats.



A long day alone,

everyone minds their business.

But which one is mine?



Another deadline

that I forgot to recall:




I tend to end up

with visionary projects

that just won’t kick off.



Worked in the garden:

fifty years forgotten woods,

my arms still tremble.



First day of normal,

kids to daycare, man to work.

And me? Now? What? Hm.



A sofa-Sunday

after playground and music -

enjoying slow life.

July impressions
July impressions



Last day of July.

How come summer flies faster?

Sweet taste on the lips.



We gave time as gift.

Time for friends to spend kids-less ...

... tears of joy as thanks!



Listening eyes closed

to nature and playground sounds.

Then vaccination.



In both sky and life -

after the rain comes the sun

(and sometimes cupcakes).



Nature suffers: heat.

Cracked ground, burned grass, pale plants, dust.

Soon one week of rain.



Intense talks till dawn:

Politics, life and bad jokes.

Three minds’ dynamics!



Mökki olympics -

six cottages in four weeks.

So proud of our kids.



One night every year

they come to fuck on our roof.

Thousand flying ants.



Travel back in time:

Cleaning without dishwasher,

meditative peace.



Beers, burgers, and shots!

Celebrated our friendship

and her holidays.



Every time the same:

we point to tigers and bears -

they prefer the geese.



He is rocking it:

The ukulele I gave,

knowing he’d love it.



Jumped from five,

fear as a belly feeling.

Last time I was twelve.



An amazing book:

“Waking Lions”, strong and deep.

The plot a statement.



Olympic stadium,

watching girls football finals.

Girls can’t get enough.



Floods in Germany

whilst we have beer in the shade.

Climate change is real.



Breathing in the woods -

some people pay to do it,

I go there to jogg.



It is just too hot:

This heatwave beats mosquitoes

and small sweaty kids.



I enjoy it so but.

But why is there a but?

Kids? Hormons? Tensions?



Cooked meatballs for twelve.

Stood in my own sweat, their oil.

Outcome was worth it.



I love-hate packing.

A reward to clean away -

but check-outs just suck.



They texted a song,

our anniversary song.

So spot on, so AWE!!!



First ten minutes: strange.

As if it’s hard to believe

they all made it here!



Date night out. Again?

Has been ages, lots of fun...

... and too much red wine.



Our first friends arrived.

Social closeness, no distance -

odd nostalgia.



Lower back issues.

Ignoring or addressing?

No stretch nor rest helps.



It just takes a while

differentiating them:

Bees, flies, wasps, ticks, worms.



Oh the four kids’ joys!

Climbing, splashing, inventing.

And tons of whipped cream.



They met as babies

and rarely as of age one.

Still: deep connection!



I observe them play

and cannot but conclude

that a sibling is gold.



As much as it’s great,

I have enough five days in.

Only us four, home!!

June impressions
June impressions



He went off to buy

a TV for his parents ...

... when we should have left.


Holding a baby,

my SOOO little niece in fact.

Sensations from deep!



Switzerland beats France!!

Always liked the underdogs.

Team efforts pay off.



Morning sex outdoors,

slow bike ride through flower fields ...

... as precious as rare.


11 years ago!

Wedding anniversary =

nocturnal bike trip.


We’r in Kuopio now:

grandparents’ home or lake house?

Non-stop (un)packing.



National football.

I barely handle our games -

we don’t innovate.



And the world goes down!

Managed to bike home

before the sky exploded.



Awe-hot night jogg:

awe ‘cause courses are over,

hot ‘cause the wind heats.



Fever in summer!?

I don’t want to change with her.

Snotty smiles and cough.



To explain their screams:

each insect makes them lose it.

And there are loads here!



Naked water fun

would be even nicer

if our girls screamed less.



Half of Uusimaa

on the highway to cottage,

escaping the heat.



Spend four hours at night

guessing personalities -

“Big five” in Finnish.




planting veggies, strawberries,

and cutting grass at mökki.



Shy yet deeply glad

did they reunite with her.

French babysitter!



Can’t have it each day.

In theory - in practice,

icecream goes always.



Finland won its first,

yet no celebration on:

Danish heart attack.



VW made her puke,

three times. Otherwise great week.

Family summer!!



With slight hangover

to Lindner, shoe shop, DM.

Sweet buns, sandals, creme.



Played table tennis,

not too well but not too bad.

Then dinner with friends.



This silly feeling:

jumping over water hoes.

Simple summer joys.



Strandbad Wannsee trip,

legendary city beach.

Fries “red-white” and beer.



One week new routines:

banana oats, garden fun

and my childhood toys.



My parents, their grand-...

Hard to package joy in words.

Sun in sky and hearts.



Flying to Berlin!

Early birds at four am:

thank God for daylight.



Drove to our mökki -

each moment so precious there:




Thousand chores to do.

Biking through Helsinki’s sun

though: light every time.



Hubby got first jab,

tomorrow its my turn too.

Amazing science!



First of June it is -

over one year in Finland!

What a treat (most days).

May impressions
May impressions

May 2021


Can’t wait for me-time -

this comms theory paper

needs to be written.



Small-one’s eye again.

This time straight to hospital.

Luckily all fine.



Small one has fever.

Can’t visit friends at cottage

nor hold small cousin.



Cold afterwork drinks -

tastes better with nanny booked.

It has been a while ...



Small one screams on-off -

Doctor finds wound in her eye.

Now comes the cream-fight.



Met my mates first time -

500 hours of zoom calls.

All surprised I’m small.



I’m an aunt again.

A miracle each new life

that starts ten months in.



A rollercoaster -

my parenting stile is that.

Hope no one gets sick.



Went to the beach. Twice.

First: sun but no bathing stuff.

Second: opposite.



Physical work "is" -

It doesn't pretend to be.

Stacking wood fire logs.



Rain can’t put you off,

when you sit inside, listen,

swim, jogg or drink wine.



We took two days “off”,

me and a great friend and mom.

Summerhouse peace. Quiet.



And then they’r adult.

For now - bike trip to dance class.

Time flies, they are proof.



Ran through the fresh woods,

passed a blind man who enjoyed

natures’ spring music.



My enthusiasm

lets me end up with thousand

loose strings. Mind-blowing.



Family came by,

the youngest still to be born...

(... she almost popped though!)



Summerhouse prime time,

where garden work relaxes

and sauna fire burns.



We are leasing now:

a big new hybrid Volvo.

I must admit: WOW!



Went to bed too late,

listened to (finnish!) lecture:

Comms summer studies.



Plants shooting light green,

blackbirds and co sing non-stop,

and spiders are back.



Table to terrace.

Sushi, white wine, tons of beans.

Summer kicked SO in.



First truly warm day!

Played till late on famous square,

chatted with Germans.



Mom and daughters time:

bike ride, waffles, sauna fun.

Husband? Gave MILF cake.



Liberation time:

Allies stopped nazi regime.

Public holiday?!



He is so handsome -

even as my truck driver.

Summerhouse cleanup.



Called my oldest friend.

As in pal from the playground.

So far yet so close!



I talked life and death,

cycled through snow rain and put

anti-ageing cream.



New bedtime stories,

every other night its me:

Seagull and crow tales.



Time flies at high speed -

our goddaughter turned six! Six!

Incredible stuff.



I have the woods back,

no crowded slopes with tourists.

Just fresh calm spring ground.



No real party. BUT:

deep fried sweet buns in sugar.

vappu stays tasty.

April impressions
April impressions

April 2021


Great news of today:

Turns out mom gets her shot soon!

No jäger - vaccine.



Walking home with them:

Both scream like hell post ice-cream.

People look and nod.



Just one air balloon

makes any kid smile. And me -

I feel that magic.



Second interview:

Work-Life story from Kenia.

Four years old? Cleaner.



I'm missing sunrays,

the smile and smell of nature.

Spring took a break - why?!



Sunday morning feel:

headache and five hours of sleep.




Fresh air and sun-rays.

Went out for an April jogg.

Half way through: hailing.



Offered an affair:

Literary nature though.

Martenstein, read me!



I’m free without likes,

but now I tend to forget

my five-seven-five.



On playground in shirt,

afternoon without jacket.

I froze on way home!



Its tough for us both:

management of emotions.

But she is just five.



I don’t have a plan.

It comes to my mind in waves.

Never had a plan.




Lunch in grandparents’ garden.

Pandemics’ upside.



Chatter in the air,


Cold beer and ice-cream.



“Ai ET-TÄ!”, non-stop!

Sea still frozen, air so soft.

Blue sky - spring is here.



Flipping through channels:

Youngsters get to second base.

Feeling middle-aged.



On a train north-bound:

free baby-bottle-warmer.

Only in Finland.



Every single jog,

I get yet a new idea.

Plot- and career-wise.


My head exploded:

security of supply.

Finnish interview.



It’s crazy, I know:

I will translate my novel,

in French. Voilà quoi!



And we cleaned our car:

five years of crumbles and leaves.

Soon bye to “Georges Third”.



Stopping Instagram.

Thinking in pictures and likes -

Unhappy business.



First jog in shorts, aww!

Feeling of spring on the skin,

fresh air on pale knees.



Living in the now,

showing the small miracles.

What kids do to us.



My eyes were too slow,

could not follow ice hockey.

Now - a family thing!



Wet, strong, fresh, endless.

Something special about wind.

Power of nature.



Eastereggs meet snow.

Coloured feathers on white ground.

Rather easy job.



Front door mökki fun:

We dipped into the icehole.

So freezing pleasing!



Starting long weekend:


Finnish comfy food.


confiture de figues -

reading french makes my heart hurt,

I miss it so much!

March impressions
March impressions

March 2021


Loved the frozen sea

as long as its ice lasted.

Now, dazzling water!




it feels: baby bed is down.

End of an era.




Chair? Easy. Closet? Challenge.

Bunkbed? Makes you sick.



Something in between:

no more winter - no spring yet.

Just like my work life.



takk to the unknown:

Icelandic grandma’s dill skills,

her sauce, our command.



The older I get,

the more I turn into mom:

Patches on trousers.



Once I sent it out:

smiling feathers in a bush.

A good omen, please.



Reindeer meatballs - nam!

No lunch can be as Finnish.

Hot cranberry love.



(Re)editing texts.

I love twisting words around.

Spicing scenes like food.



A sunny morning:

best start into a new week.

Automatic smile.



Our glassed terrace rules -

first “greenhouse” brunch of the year.

Up north, those make sense.



Getting used again.

To kids twenty-four-seven

and to frozen toes.



There are ups and downs

when living abroad - clear down:

missing my parents.



Coming home? One dish.

Some traditions are just gold:

Bolo. No-brainer.



Berlin, my treasure

with unique mentality,

see you sooner, please!



So simple and NAM,

why can’t Finns get it tasty?!

Döner, viel schöner.



Walked with good old friend.

No affordable housing,

prices through the roof.



When you wonder when

you had brunch à deux in peace

and it was nine months.



It's April weather,

rain-sun-rain-wind and again.

Still: happy (grand)kids!



Reading childhood books -

forgotten memories rise,

like the mouth to smile.



A drink by the bridge,

next to S-Bahn and night shops.

Ugly bares beauty.



Robin “redneck” nods:

Berlin - a happy birds’ place,

every one chants spring.



Went to second test,

now ready to hit the bars -

if only one could.



Sun in sky and heart,

afternoon off with big one.

Time and air are soft.



Five o’clock sixteen -

thats when our small one wakes up.

Damn time diff, damn age!



A timeless beauty

my parents are living in.

Modern but classic.



Oh Butter Lindner,

desire of my childhood.

All products are AWE!!



Less ice in the “south” -

(quarantine) days in Berlin:

we’r at (grand)parents!



Looking at our kids,

I wish I’d have a sister.

Special relation!



Nothing better than

first spring sun and birds singing.

Beginning, not end.



A dinner mixup

whereby poor “Antti” lost out.

And we won lunch, too.

February impressions
February impressions

February 2021


Almost tropical -

if the kids were not restless,

we could get sunburned.



New family dish:

Oven-feta, garlic, plus -

spaghetti heaven.



Suddenly all melts.

Winter. Covid optimism.

Drive to learn grammar.



Fifty shades of blue

just before the darkness comes.

Night sun? Far away.



Under the surface.

Deep waters below the ice.

All comes up - some point.



Looking at our kids:

What will their future be like?

Life stays exciting.



Oh, the irony -

worked on a back massage talk.

Now I have back pain.



Whilst slush in Finland,

Belgium feels twenty degrees.

Waffles cure the pain.



Quality à 2 -

across generations, too.

Our old one and I.



Wurst plus lentil soup.

Ich bin ‘ne Berlinerin -

no lunch fits better.



And just like we breathe

fresh air in and out again -

our earth is steaming.



Gloves on and gloves off.

Don’t want it but want it, too.

Alone but with help.



Food needs joy, courage:

Imagination gives taste.

Or lots of whipped cream.



Nature is restless,

changes everything and us.

Constantly magic.



Walked over the sea.

Sun and wind in our faces,

felt alive and cold.



Drove in moms old skates:

cold, hard, full of memory.

Old deserves respect.



Mint plus chocolate!

Inside out or outside in -

a genius’ idea.



Oh! In sports I trust.

Just hands full of minutes in -

my brain and soul fresh.



Jog, sauna, sushi -

finally some good-old time.

Side by side with friend.



Like an unmade bed

my state is random, bumpy.

Menstruation sucks.



When is zoom over?

Meeting fellow students live,

school would be so nice!



First time we witness:

Our summerhouse goes winter!

Frozen toes, warm heart.



We’r leaving traces.

On iced sea, on another.

Ice and love: solid.




Vorfreude (German), pre-joy.

“Think small”, says Covid.



Small kids are restless.

Rarely ten minutes of peace.

Next mess is scheduled.



Stuffed noses and cough -

COVID-testing with a view.

Just a flue the third?



Discussed my novel!

Long feedback from a wise friend.

Each point so worth it.



Privilege is lots:

peace. freedom. health. wealth. support.

few steps to the slope.

January impressions
January impressions

January 2021


Just frozen water?

Me and uncountable flakes -

each one soft - a bliss.



As parents we teach:

showing, explaining, being.

Kids teach us: ourselves.



Sunrays in the air!

Saw many smiles in the woods.

Seldom joy is gold.



Cordon bleu, fries, beer -

had our regular date night.




Grey sky and wet snow.

Crave the real deal - frost or spring!

Tulips’ colours help.



Good friend was over.

It felt like normal times, jaj!

Her housewine? Our fav!



I read my own book.

Found at least hundred mistakes.

Still: read MY OWN book!



Melting snow? Heavy.

Terrible Two? Heavy too.

Yet just part of life.



I skied the wrong path.

Twenty degrees warmer now -

meltdown path ’n’ mind.



Today my brain broke.

Had suppressed Finnish grammar.

So very insane!



Kahoot team-game fun -

I love personal stories.

Got all answers right.



Play, laugh, smile. I wish

each child would get the chance to.

No pain nor fear. Joy!



There are no limits.

Is winter too dark or white?

Colour-up your day!! 🌈



First day Finnish class -

I’m still no fan of zoom calls.

My lunchbreak? Skiing.



Finland: cross-country.

No alpin, no up-down hills.

Steady slopes and moods.



Having my first draft!!

Fourhundredandeighteen, bound.

Let’s see what will be.



When nose hair freezes,

windows put ice flowers on -

you know its damn cold!



Digesting with beer:

Will start a language class soon,

part-time! All in now.



And no end in sight:

Snow covers all ‘till no-show.

Small dogs disappear.



Inside, not outside!

Floor bending inception style -

snowstorm through the cracks.



The woods are magic.

A deer looked at me, calmly.

Us humans intrude.



Two ingredients:

time à 2, caraway seeds -

one pimps love, one soup.



No sun without shade:

warm is the light, cold the air.

One can(‘t?) have it all.



Feeling so alive:

eight kilometres snow jog.

Sauna now - divine.


Whilst haters harvest,

democracy grieves divide -

our seaside freezes.


Hot minttu kakao.

BBQ in snow with friends.

One’s best time is life!



Walk to groceries?

A horseplay on sledge it turns!

Young creative minds.



Gratin Camembert!

Leftoverfood at its best.

[Tend to cook like pros.]



Walk home trough the snow,

hoods like a fairytale dream.

New sledges he pulls!



Sandcastles of dreams -

kids never build walls of hate.

Later snow came down.



Another crémant,

co-ownership stuff by mail...

... new year is same old.